Your Coaching is an investment - Benefits, Added-Value and Return on Investment (ROI)

Qualitative and quantitative Studies regarding the benefits and added-value of Executive Coaching:


Professional Executive Coaching has to be seen as  any other corporate investment. 

As investors we evaluate any investment, if it provides a personal benefit, an objective added - value and a reasonable return on investment.


What does that mean for your Executive Coaching? 


On the one hand your Executive Coaching focuses through the reflection of your own behaviour and priorities on your Executive Effectiveness ("To do the right things." ).


On the other hand your Executive Coaching focuses also on your Managerial Efficiency ("To do the right things right." ) when it comes to applying your new insights and skills according to your goals into your own professional environment.


The evaluation of your efforts and changes through specific feedback of your stakeholders, through other positive effects in your professional environment define your success, the measureable benefit and your personal ROI of your Executive Coaching. 


On top: According to "The Manchester Review" from 2001 the ROI on average is at 5,7.


For an investment of $ 10.000 into Executive Coaching your return is  $ 57.000 - Effective and efficient.


Outcomes of Executive Coaching - International Coach Federation - Study 2017

Benefits of using a coach - International Coach Federation - Independent PWC Study

Benefits of Using a Coach.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 185.1 KB

The Effectiveness of Executive Coaching - Research Literature -  KornFerry Institute

The Effectiveness of Executive Coaching-
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 3.4 MB

Onboarding Study - Benefits and Added-Value - Genesis Advisers / Egon Zehnder

Onboarding-Benefits and added value.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 824.9 KB

Measuring the ROI in Executive Coaching - How to? - Jack & Patricia Phillips

Measuring ROI in Executive Coaching.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 2.9 MB

Maximizing the impact of Executive Coaching - The Manchester Review

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