"The better the questions - the better are your solutions."

The situation:


Sustainable success as a leader requires a constant reflection on your own positioning in changing environments for your personal development and sustainable success.


Your way forward:


As a coach I am well trained to ask challenging questions and to deploy "out of the box"  thinking in order to provide you with different perspectives out of the ordinary as "food for thought" enabling you to find better solutions for your topics and challenges.


Your benefit and added value:


As a result of your reflection on your specific topics crafting concrete, measureable action plans with defined steps and success factors are part of your personal focus coaching.


These steps are useful to find out for yourself what you need to learn, which behaviour you can rely on and strenghten as well as of which behaviour you need to let go of to reach your personally defined goals in order to remain successful or even to become more successful. 

Typical topics in Focus Coaching:

  • Effective Self-management in my role
  • Delegation
  • Optimization of my personal communication
  • From the managerial role and a more tactical approach to become an inspiring leader with strategy and vision
  • Developing a strong team in transition
  • Networking - Stakeholder Management
  • Political Savvyness / Diplomacy / Empathy
  • Authentic Personal Branding
  • Executive Presence

And of course: Your personal topics


Looking very much forward to learn more about you and your topics. 

For you to download / for your files:

The systematical, structured Focus Coaching Process with clear steps and measurements for your success. 

Focus Coaching - Process Overview
Process Overview - Focus Coaching.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 262.2 KB

"Focus Coaching - focusing on essentials - your influence and measureable success."