"The first impression counts - the last impression stays."

The situation: 


You want to improve your individual communication skills and competencies in order to expand your personal influencing skills to easier reach your goals on all levels?


Executive Presence and Authentic Personal Branding Coaching incorporates all facets of your communication potential.


It is about the way how to present yourself and your ideas best to the world in any situation and setting. 


Much more than just "Presentation Coaching".

It is about your personal, unmistakable and   unique "Executive Code".


Facts and background:

  • Executives communicate about 80% of their working hours.
  • To convince and to influence people towards your vision and direction is an essential part of any leadership role.
  • A targeted personal communication is one of the key success factors in leadership.
  • In a targeted communication the messages are formulated very clearly, yet they also address the communication partners very elegantly in their motives and own goals.
  • However, as an Executive you very rarely receive an honest and differentiated feedback about your communication style and effectiveness.

In fact:

  • The higher someone climbs up the corporate ladder, the more likely it is that he does not often receive honest feedback.
  • By the way: It does not matter if you are an introvert or an extrovert personality.
  • Knowing that effect it seems logical to be aware of it and to regularly check your own communication skills and effectiveness  professionally to improve your impact.

Well, please reflect: 

  • When was the last time you have worked on your Executive Presence, namely expanding, improving and polishing your professional speaking, communication and presentation skills according to your already reached or prospective level? 

          How about now? The time is right! 

According to your personal capabilities and goals these are the key topics regarding one area of your Executive Presence - Presentation -  to address:


Your content and planning - your preparation:

  • Structure
  • Red threat
  • Story telling
  • Best use of media
  • Powerful Pauses
  • Stiff speech, etc.

Your body and your body language:

  • How can I deal with my stage fright?
  • How can I calm myself and look sovereign?
  • Securing my space
  • Facial expressions
  • Gestures, clothes, etc.

Your voice:

  • Breathing right  
  • How can I make the best use of my voice?
  • Modulation,pauses and intonation, etc. 

On stage - your first impression counts:

  • Big and small audiences
  • Connect with the people
  • Inspire and motivate
  • Influencing in a positive way 

Q and A Sessions - your freestyle wins:

  • How to receive questions best?
  • How to be quick witted?
  • How to return on  inappropriate questions?

Closing - your last impression stays:


How can I leave a good feeling with at least one powerful message for everyone in the room? 

The special method in a concept:

Executive Presence - Authentic Personal Branding
Concept - Presentation Coaching.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 117.5 KB

Special background Konrad Lenniger
Track Record - Executive Code.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 246.2 KB

"Your Executive Code - your best communication for your best results."